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Mystic Dreamer Tarot


This woman holds a living wand, showing her dynamic energy. A sunflower nearby indicates her optimism. She wears a yellow gown, the color of fire and energy.

This queen is energetic, creative, dramatic, faithful, and warm. She lives a busy life and seems to accomplish everything with style. She is outgoing and has a natural interest in people. New activities and challenges delight her. She's not afraid to try anything. Her wonderful characteristics benefit those around her and she can be a transformative force in the lives of others. She is a natural leader and loves to plan and organize events.

If reversed, this can represent someone given to melodrama, or someone who can be very bossy or controlling.

Use your intuition

  • What is the role of the cat in this image?
  • Her throne has a sphinx on either side. What do they represent?

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